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Pickerington Schools

Bond Issue

Moving Our P4P Forward 2
Hillerich Family Supports PLSD
Philabaum Family Supports PLSD
Chief Little Supports PLSD


Image by CDC

New Junior High School and High School Classrooms

Funds from the bond will build a new junior high school as well as 18-24 new classrooms in both

high schools.

Image by CDC

Reconfigurations Will Better Utilize Available Space

Reconfiguration of Ridgeview JH to Create More Space for Elementary and Middle Schools.


Ridgeview JH renovations will create a building with separate K-4 Elementary and  5-6 Middle School

Image by Santi Vedrí

Flexible Learning Updates

All buildings will receive some updates to accommodate

flexible learning environments.


The proceeds from the bond issue will be used to address the rapid growth in student population by constructing new facilities and expanding existing facilities. District enrollment is forecasted to increase by nearly 1,000 students by the 2027-2028 school year, and nearly every building in the district will be over capacity by that time!


The district estimates that the pasage of this levy will not increase tax rates (measured in mills) for our residents. Because propery valuations are increasing by at least 25% for 2022, and due to the structure of the proposed new debt, we forecast the County Auditor will actually be able to decrease tax rates by 1/2 of a mill!


Information Regarding the Levy!

Tax Rates Explained!
Increases in Home Values Don’t Equal the Same Increase in Taxes — Here’s Why 
By CFO/Treasurer Ryan Jenkins 
As home values appreciate in the district, tax rates are reduced so that the aggregate tax collections for the school do not increase. The following graphic shows an assumed 24% increase in district taxable value, and the impact on 3 different homes. The graphic is showing ONLY taxes calculated for the district. 

As the chart shows, 3 different homes appreciate at 3 different rates — Home A at 15%, Home B at 20%, and Home C at 30%. The taxes calculated for these homes in 2022 are shown at the bottom of the chart. 

Although home values are increasing, the calculated taxes are not increasing by the same amount. In fact, Home A's tax bill would fall by 1.37%; Home B's tax bill would only increase 2.91%; and Home C's tax bill would increase 11.49% even though Home C's value increased by 30%. That's because the tax rate falls from 34.769 mills (or $1,217 annually per $100,000 of market value) to 29.784 mills (or $1,042 annually per $100,000 of market value). So, while market values increase by 24%, tax rates will fall by 14.4%. 

What does this mean for the Pickerington Schools 2.80 mill bond issue that is on the November 8, 2022 ballot? Even though the levy is a new levy, the existing millage for aggregate bond collections, even if the bond issue passes, is forecasted to fall by ½ a mill. This will make the new levy ‘feel’ like or be similar to a renewal in that tax rates won’t increase while the community continues its commitment.
Classroom Lecture


Help us in our efforts to give Pick kids room to safely learn and grow. Request a yard sign and let us know where you've placed it! We just may take a picture and feature it on our website. Thank you for your support!


Pickerington Local Bond Issue

Room to Safely Learn and Grow

PO Box 592

Pickerington, OH, 43147

© 2021 by Vote4PickKids Committee

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